Within-the-catacombs-of-mind-conciousness-there-is-a-secret-hidden-under-the-pink-veil-within-the-money-mattress-that-the-gods-had-hidden-long-ago-where-the-hidden-would- Illterately-scrub-away-at-the-toungues-of-the-evil-one-where-demons-would-lay-in-excstacy-and-pain-writhing-and-Moaningig-in-loud-armour-with-extensive-arms-that-Stretch Periodically-to-seperate-the-veil-of-human-remains-that-seperate-our-world-and-theirs-where-angels-would-rather-be-mopping-the-halls-than-watching-blank-white-walls- Epihphanies-are-shared-in-dark-rooms-between-shadowy-figures-through-out-Germany-as-they-plan-the-demise-of-the-most-powerful.
Thebeastawakens once you feed it, so obviviously is he hidden that you sleep with him, you play with him, he's your friend so you think to try and avoid him yet all for Him just to stab you in the back, effectively tricking the world and selling his soul for the cheap price of your life, additionally hurting those around him slate, this Entire thing could have been avoided had you not trusted him, but you and you're kin are a fool, damned be they who trust those who hide their grins from toxic air
Snakes hide in places where you don't look, for that is how they are taught, the literacy of snakes vary but they are ultimately the same resulting in punishments that Lead to the beheading of Victims and the Freedom of criminals which disrupts the balance of the underground culture that persists within the capital of Leather and Anarchy, lead by people with pitch forks and skies that bleed Green, there persists a common theme within you, Within you all, within me as well. There is a sickness that Torments the innocent and destroys us, it tears us apart and creates a view that we all share in the end. It corrupts us, it creates us, it tames us, it maddends us, it Entices us wrongly and rightly, and it is something to be avoided at ALL costs, no matter what happens it is always there for us, except when we need it or want it. The more I talk the more time is wasted, even if there is an infinite amount of time that ring the same through out all the dimensions and universe we are still wasting time, as time is limitless, events are poc-marked into the skin of time and we hit them like road bumps that thorw us off the path to the truth and leaves us in the ditch of Death and sadness that we currently reside in. In the proverbial road trip that I have spoken of, do we not question where we're going? Why not? What if the Driver is intoxicated? Of course he is. Murphy's law says that you're legs are broken in the sarhara desert and you're very thirsty. we all know how things degrade over time eventually into nothing. as we are all sad things that exist withing our own muck. we Wade through and pus into the sponges that press up against the walls of the heaven, the Evilness that persists throughout us. we're all angry at our creators. We're all angry at our creators. We're all angry at our creators.We're all angry at our creators.We're all angry at our creators.We're all angry at our creators.We're all angry at our creators.We're all angry at our creators.We're all angry at our creators.We're all angry at our creators.We're all angry at our creators.We're all angry at our creators.We're all angry at our creators.We're all angry at our creators. We all feel the same. we all don't like it. why aren't we changing? are we really masochistic? No, of course not. Nobody likes suffering of this magnitude, or do we? We'll discuss that later. For now, Just be careful. be watchful.Wipe the slate
Don't trust him, He hides his face and won't show it. His brain is fractured and injured, He'll stab you in the back without a second thought, and then drink to it, singing songs of your demise. He's charismatic, funny, clever, powerful. But theres more to it than meets the eye. He will hurt you, He will hurt Gonzo, He will hurt the Illustrator, he Will hurt Black Magic, He will hurt Vladimir, he will hurt you all. He will hurt you, Morris. He will hurt Me. He will Kill me. He will be the end just as he was the beggining.
Wipe the slate
kill him